Frequently Asked Questions

  • Integrative medicine “integrates” conventional approaches and complementary therapies to achieve optimal health and healing.

    “Integrative Medicine is healing-oriented medicine that takes account of the whole person, including all aspects of lifestyle. It emphasizes the therapeutic relationship between practitioner and patient, is informed by evidence, and makes use of all appropriate therapies.”


  • Integrative medicine is for healthy people (to prevent illness and promote well-being) and for those with chronic health conditions (for treatment and healing).

    Here are common conditions that may benefit from an integrative approach to care:

    • Autoimmune diseases

    • Chronic pain

    • Chronic fatigue

    • Migraines and headaches

    • Cancer (alongside conventional cancer therapy)

    • Digestive disorders

    • Mental and emotional health

    • High blood pressure

    • Menstrual issues

    • Sleep issues

  • Healing with Intention services are for ages 18 and above.

    Our services are for those interested in evaluating their health and their lives to see whether that is in alignment with their health and wellness goals and working overtime to make changes that improve their health and their life.

    Healing with Intention is for you if you want to prevent illness or treat chronic illness with a holistic approach that includes reconnecting with your own intuitive wisdom to guide your healing journey and then using a variety of tools including ritual, herbs, essential oils, diet, movement, and mind-body medicine to help facilitate and support your healing journey.

  • Your first visit is spent getting to know each other and understanding your health and wellness journey up to this point.

    After scheduling your initial consultation, I will request that you send me any relevant medical records (including any specialist visits, any recent primary care visits, recent labs or imaging).

    You will receive a detailed initial questionnaire to complete and return before your visit. I will review all of this information prior to your initial visit.

    We will spend our initial time together discussing your health, and your hopes for your health, and develop an initial plan to address your concerns.

  • No, I do not accept insurance.

    My intention in creating this practice and space is to really focus on whole health, healing, and transformation. I think that is challenging to do in a conventional medical setting given the limitations placed on patients and clinicians by insurance payment.

    I want to spend my time and energy on you and not on insurance reimbursement or limit my time with you based on insurance reimbursement. So, I am choosing to forego insurance in order to provide the kind of care that is meaningful to me and hopefully to you as well.

    Unfortunately, at this time, I cannot see patients who have either medicare or medicaid (even though you would be paying for it out of pocket).

    The rules are confusing, but it is because, at this time, I am continuing to see palliative care patients in a hospital setting that takes insurance.

    If my approach really resonates with you but you have medicare or medicaid, I would be happy to have you in a group workshop or event. Please reach out, and we can see if there is a way we can work together.

Your healing journey matters.